Thursday, January 27, 2011


Inspiration is a shy a creature. She hides, only showing itself during the quiet moments of the mind. When one’s own thoughts meander and flow through the memories, hopes, and dreams of our minds this is when you can see her. Wordsworth writes, “Nor less I deem that there are Powers, / Which of themselves our minds impress; / That we can feed this mind of ours, / In a wise passiveness,” By not actively pursuing this creature, but by contemplation can we ever catch a glimpse of her. Aristotle once said that “That contemplation is the highest form of leisure,” and through this contemplation we sometimes can have an idea or an emotional memory that is planted and can possibly grow into something. Be it of words, of paint, of stone, or the idea itself. In those fleeting moments where time stands quietly out of the way and inspiration glances your way, thus planting that seed. This action cannot be forced. It has to develop organically from within and with practice one can become “wise” as to how recognize these moments. Even though “passiveness” is the path we take, we still need to be able to recognize the road signs that will lead us to inspiration.

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