Sunday, April 24, 2011

Hughes and Thomas Prompts

For Tuesday, please respond to one of the following prompts. Or, if you have missed a blog in the past, feel free to respond to two of the prompts (the second response will count as a replacement for a missed post in the past). If you respond to two prompts, please only post once. Number your responses within the same post so that I know you are responding to two. Thanks.

1. Discuss the symbolic nature of the jawbone in "Relic." Based on your reading of the poem, what does the jawbone symbolize?

2. In "Theology," What is different about Hughes's account of the Garden of Eden myth as compared to the version in the biblical Genesis? What does this have to do with the "Dark intestine"?

3. Discuss the violent imagery in "The Force that Through the Green Fuse Drives the Flower." Why do you think Thomas uses diction like "force," "fuse," "blasts," and "destroyer?" How do these relate to the theme of the poem?

4. Interpret the last two lines of "Fern Hill." Please reference other parts of the poem in your response.

5. Choose one stanza in Dylan Thomas's villanelle, "Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night," and explicate it.

Thanks. I'm being observed on Tuesday, so I would appreciate it if you are on time. See you then.

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