Thursday, May 5, 2011

World War One Poetry

I wouldn't say that I had one specific piece that was my favorite as all of the World War One poets struck me as profound and interesting. The way that some of them found beauty in one of the most horrid wars was something that always struck me with awe. Living in such horrid conditions as they did how could they see such beauty in the world, the poppies in the fields of Flanders, or see the beauty in what they were doing for their homeland. Yet in sharp contrast there is also the horror that they write about like the lost generation of young men who went off to war and never returned to be fathers, friends or sons to their mothers, or the treachery of nationalism that sent them off to die trying to find some glorification for it. It was interesting to read all the different perspectives of the war and how people learned form it and tried to teach those lessons to the future generations.

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