Shelly's "Mutability" by now when I look at a poem, reading it for the first time I know that I just signed a contract. I know I need to invest my time in it to be able to receive it's gift.
This is a poem written as a Hey you know what? it is a poem of thought about the make up of human beings, who we are and what we do everyday, and how we change in a spicific moment in a given day, which is a gift. How we react with everything not just nature itself but human nature as a whole. When we wake up it is a new day and the only thing that is going to bring me to a negative moment a BAD day is me. I can mutate and I can breeze through the day with happiness and helping out when ever I am able, or I can focus on the woe of life forcing my way through it going across the grain all day long looking for that one person that will cross me, or I can drink the orange juice in the morning and mutate to the lighter side in life.
It is always the same we go to bed we wake up but the bottom line is did i open a door or hold a door for a person. The world is the same and will go on but here now why not try to mutate to the live, love and laugh side, before we know it we are our parents on the way to being our grand parents.This is a lyric poem it sings it needs to be sung and in the third stanza I think this is to poin out how easy it is to get caught up in the negative but we can mutate right out of it. The choice is mine. It is a ABAB poem through out a rhyme in every line, it tends to say that man kind is not the be all end all we are just an insignificant grand of sand on a big beach. WE CHANGE AS THE WIND BLOWS
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