I sometimes think of dying and what would be left behind?what will be my legacy? Well pretty much it will be a few life insurance policies. When my sister divis up the will that will be that; no more Lou Capo.The world will not know me and I am ok with that.
When I have fears that I may cease to be: John Keats is reflecting what will it mean if I can not write poetry or worse if I do and no one reads it. If it becomes to late and I die will their be a master piece that people will read and make me immortal or will I die without fame and fortune and I cant write poetry because i cannot think clear. Writing is his profession and is made clear but a writer is not recognized in till his or hers work gets published and read, and Keats fear in this poem that his work will never be read and that he will never be famous for being a writer and if he dies before then it would really suck. He writes as though he will never be able to capture the forms in nature with his pen, and he carries this cloudy doom to love and he will not feel or experience it to. Deep very deep, sad poem mortality is not a happy subject so you are prepared to be sad. I do not care about fame and fortune their was a time in my life when I did but I was arrogant young and hungry now not so much. I am old and chose to go back to school.
I do not see any humility in this poem its all about me me me I did not like this piece for that.
This is a lyric, Keats is the one speaking to the reader it has a abab rhyme, and probublly the fear of all writers.
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