Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Life can be hard on everyone and I believe its much more difficult when the one you love has no feelings for you. In Christina Rossetti's poem After Death the speaker has passed away and her loved one said "Poor child, Poor child," showing he still had feelings for her but those feelings did not emerge till after she has passed away. The speaker continues to say, " He did not love me living; but once dead He pitied me; and very sweet it is To know he still is warm tho' I am cold." The speaker died happily because she died knowing she was still cared and loved for. I believe she may have felt as if she had existed even though she has passed away. That feeling of existence made her rest at peace.
I think that this poem can also be referring to relationships. Sometimes while your in a relationship you don't realize what is in front of you whether it be good or bad till it is gone. Sometimes you need a third person perspective to help you realize what has always been there, but was not expressed clearly. The speaker herself may have also been an outsider looking in that helped her feel pleased after death.

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