Thursday, March 3, 2011

Too Little, Too Late

In “After Death” the speaker is pleases at the end of the poem there was an emotional reaction from the “he” in the poem. It seems to me that while she was alive the man (whoever he is) was cold and unloving towards her. But now that she has died he feels sadness and pain, which was more than she when alive. I would also say that while she was alive that she had love and respect for him. But now she has passed and is”cold” she can feel that “he” actually cared for her. The two characters are opposites of each other; when alive she is warm and he is “cold” and death she becomes cold and he in turn becomes “warm.” The truth is I feel like the speaker is pleased with her death because, in a weird way, she has exacted a strange sort of revenge on him. Oh, now that I’m dead you show some feelings, some remorse. Ha, that’s too little too late.

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