Thursday, January 27, 2011

" Come forth, and bring with you a heart that watches and recieves. "

What Wordsworth meant by saying "Come forth, and bring with you a heart that watches and recieves," is simply to take yourself out of the studies and out of all the analysis of life and enjoy life for what it is and the beautiful things it has to offer. To watch with your heart is to trust your feelings and trust in mother nature and what God has blessed us with. It means to open your mind past the things you are taught and take natural experiences in whole heartedly.

Wordsworth says "Come forth into the light of things, Let Nature be your Teacher. She has a world of ready wealth, Our minds and hearts to bless--. " Also he says " Enough of Science and Art; Close up those barren leaves (pages).." Both of these quotes, to me, say almost the same thing: Science and Art are lovely, but nature is God-given art which, in my opinion, is much more majestic and original in its beauty.

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