Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The loss cannot be estimated

I found it persuasive when Burke stated, "When antient opinions and rules of life are taken away, the loss cannot possibly be estimated." That is pretty much saying if we took all the rules out of the world and did not have any authority enforcing rules, this world would be chaos. Therefore, the Revolution War had to take place to try to better the government to where the rules were concrete and enforced. When a country is getting out of hand and the leader is not making necessary orders or rules to get everything under control then a change has got to happen. A country cannot function properly without a set of rules that everyone has to abide by. If there was not any rules people would go around and do whatever they wanted because they would know that there would not be any punishment for their actions. This statement is also saying taking opinions away from people would be a great loss in a country. Opinions are the right to express how you feel and how you feel on a certain subject. If people cannot express themselves or their feelings in an orderly manner then that invades in their freedom of speech. In result, when people are forced to keep opinions and feelings bottled up inside them it can cause some people to react to chaos. In closing, nothing positive can result from taking rules and opinions away from a country.

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