Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The 20th Century

Obviously, a number of very important and influential events took place in the 20th century. Being a woman, I feel as if the women's rights movement is an obvious choice as to which of these events has meant the most to me personally. Being born in the last decade of the 20th century, women's rights is not always something that you think of as ever having been an issue. Growing up when I did, I never felt looked down on because of my gender, and because of this it is hard to imagine a time when women were. It means a lot to me that there were women strong and brave enough to stand up for what they felt was right in a time when things like that were unheard of. If not for these women, I wouldn't be who I am today: a college student with a job, living on my own, paying my own bills. If this event hadn't taken place, my dreams to graduate college and pursue a career in which I can support myself would be pointless.

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