Wednesday, March 23, 2011

After reading about the 20th century, I found a couple of things that have strongly influenced my life. Clearly, the women's right movement has impacted my life in countless ways. Without this movement, I would not be able to do so many of the things that I love in my life. The women that fought for women's rights made it possible for me to pursue a college degree, pursue a career, and ultimately become independent.
I also found that the Education Act of 1870 influenced my life. My major is early childhood education; I aspire to be an elementary school teacher. I have never considered the idea that elementary schooling was at one point in time not mandatory for young children. I'm thankful that this act came to pass in the 20th century. If it were not for this act, that made elementary schooling mandatory, I would not be able to pursue this career and do what I love.

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