Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Leaving this earth before your work is finished

In the poem, "When I have fears that I may cease to be" it talks about John Keats fearing he will leave this world before he can show everyone how good he is at writing. He feels like he will leave this world before he has time to show the everyone how talented he is in writing poetry. He is worried that he will die to young before fullfilling his dream in what he loves to do. I understand John Keats with what he is expressing throughout this poem. I feel like when you have worked most of your life on a certain sport or hobby, you want to show everyone how talented you are in the particular activity. However, if you die young you will not have the time to show the world how talented you were at that particular thing. For example, I am going to school to be a nurse, I have went to elementary schoool, middle school, high school, and now college to try to achieve that dream. It would be disappointing if I worked all this time to do something i have always dreamed to do and then got sick or in a accident and passed away before I could show the world what I have worked so hard for. On the other hand, God has a plan for everyone and if that means for you to die young then it is just meant to be.

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