Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Prompts for Mary and Percy Shelley

Without further delay, here are the prompts for Thursday...

1. Write about the theme of immortality in "Ozymandias" and “The Mortal Immortal.” How do these writers treat that theme similarly? Differently?

2. Shelley might have started "Ozymandias" like this: "I am a traveller from an antique land." Why do you think Shelley frames his sonnet like he does, in the voice of someone who heard a story from someone else? Why do we get the story third hand?

3. "Ode to the West Wind" is written in terza rima. In this form, which uses 3-line stanzas, the terminal word of the middle line becomes the rhyme for the first and third lines in the subsequent stanza. The last stanza is a couplet that takes its rhymes from the terminal word of the middle line in the penultimate (next-to-last) stanza. "Ode to the West Wind" is composed in five terza rima sections. Remembering what we have discussed in class about the relationship between form and content, talk about why you think Shelley may have chosen this form. Is there something about the content that lends itself well to the inter-linking rhymes and short stanzas?

4. Mary Shelley outlived Percy by many years (after he died in a shipwreck). She also outlived two of her children. How might these events have influenced “The Mortal Immortal?” Use specific examples.

Thanks. See you on Tuesday.

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