Monday, February 21, 2011

No Movement

"The exulted pedestal on which woman were placed was one of the three principal obstacles to their achieving any alteration in status." This pedestal desribed previously (page 1581) is not the exact same pedestal as the woman of today are placed on. Although woman have made many advances towards approching equality with their male conterparts their is a still a gap in equality between the two. Woman are still thought to be gentle and delicate creatures. Woman are still thought to be unable to handle hard back breaking labor, which is not far from being the truth. Woman are inferior to men phycially. Pedestals are very similar to stereotypes; both have hendered the upward movement of woman is society. I recently heard someone say that a woman should never be president ,because once every month their would be another world war. Statements such as that among other sexist views are what hold woman back from achieving an equal status with men in the past and today.

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